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Professional Headshots for Team and Organizations

The Case for Virtual Team Headshots

By August 2, 2021November 22nd, 2022No Comments

Businesses pour tons of money into their branding, logos, and advertising. It can be easy to forget that a company is ultimately a group of people working together toward mutual goals. However, a great way to show your clients and stakeholders the human side of your business is by showing faces. And you can do that best with virtual team headshots. 

When you post photos of your team members on your company’s website, you’re helping visitors make an instant connection. That’s because the human brain can recognize a familiar object within 100 milliseconds. In fact, people tend to recognize familiar faces within 380 milliseconds, which is pretty darn fast!

By far the easiest and most effective method of doing this is by creating corporate headshots. But what if your team is remote, scattered across the country? How can you relate with the visitors of your website while also maintaining a highly professional, cohesive image? The answer: virtual team headshots. 

Virtual headshots are becoming more popular because of the ongoing global pandemic. Millions of workers around the world have moved from busy offices to working remotely from home, some of them indefinitely. As a result, business models are changing. 

And to help cope with the changing workplace, developed virtual team headshot solutions for companies managing remote employees. You no longer have to wait to get consistent and eye-catching headshots of your team to market with. Our seamless virtual headshot experience allows you to get great, consistent headshots of your team no matter where they are.

What Are Virtual Team Headshots?

Team headshots are a set of business headshots typically used for company websites, business cards, press releases, financial pitch decks, and LinkedIn profiles. As of 2020, professionals are also using these headshots more on virtual meeting platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Some workers are using their headshots on their company email, so people they correspond with digitally can see their faces. 

Team headshots can really focus on showcasing your team members’ professionalism, friendliness, and competence. Thus, a great headshot is the perfect first step for building an awesome brand. Read on for seven valuable reasons your company needs virtual team headshots. 

Why Do You Need Virtual Team Headshots?

The last thing you want is for your clients to view your company as an abstract entity that doesn’t have real people behind it. This can make them feel less engaged and less interested in conducting business with you. By putting up headshots of your staff on your website, your clients will be able to “meet” you. They will develop a subconscious relationship with your team. This subconscious visual connection can actually impact sales and business in a big way.

Put a face to the name

You only get one opportunity to make a positive first impression. And this opportunity often presents itself when your customers first visit your website. No matter how expertly designed your website may be, nothing will engage visitors as effectively as a few great headshots. 

Thus, staff photography is a wonderful way to introduce your team to potential clients. It makes your people familiar and easier to connect with. Adding a “Meet the Team” page to your website is an effective way to give your business an accessible face. It gives prospects an idea of who they’ll be working with and shows potential employees you value your team.

Build trust

No matter which industry you operate in, connecting what your business does to the individuals behind the action is crucial. Your clients need to feel comfortable choosing your company over the competition. They may become suspicious and hesitant if you don’t want to “show your face.”

But when you post photos on your website, it shows that you stand behind the services you provide. It demonstrates that your employees are proud to be associated with your company. Your clients will be more comfortable and engaged knowing who they are working with. Showing that there are real humans behind the website and the organization goes a long way to establishing that trust.

Build your brand

As any advertiser will tell you, photography is a powerful branding tool. And you can create a unique image that your clients will automatically associate with your business. Just by photographing your staff dressed in particular clothes, or smiling in a certain way. 

Whatever your mission or core values are, you can reflect that in your virtual team headshots. You can align background color choices, poses, facial expressions, and outfits. All of this will pull together to create a cohesive and comprehensive brand. 

Showcase your business values and personality

When you show your staff you are proud of them, it makes them feel valued. And you can show the world you value your staff by promoting their images on your website and marketing materials. You can also let your employees’ personalities shine and present why your company is different and special. 

Making your company stand out and feel more inviting and friendly is good for business. In addition to engaging clients, it also helps build stronger relationships with them, which in turn builds long-term customer loyalty.

Attract new employees

Having a highly trained and motivated staff is critical for a company’s success. In today’s competitive job market, you need to work to build a winning team. To do that, you must promote your company as the employer of choice for the employees you wish to attract.

Corporate headshots aren’t just an element you can add to your website. They also serve as a personal asset for your employees. They can use them for their own websites, social media profiles, and future work opportunities. Thus, virtual team headshots show your employees you are invested in them and their growth. This will make you more appealing as an employer looking to hire top talent. 

Start on the right note

Make sure you get off on the right foot with your customers. A new customer who has already seen a familiar face is far more likely to use a friendly approach. They will be less inclined to be cold or rude. Thus, this will automatically set your team up for better success in business interactions.

Additionally, whatever specific note your business aims to hit can be accomplished through photos. If you want your team to appear very serious and thoughtful, how they pose in photos can create that vibe. 

Stand out from the competition 

Businesses are always looking for a leg up on the competition. And a well-presented team can mean the difference between a new client choosing you or one of your competitors. That’s why good-quality virtual team headshots are more relevant and valuable than ever. 

Tips For Taking Virtual Team Headshots

Maintain consistency

Consistency is key to any branding strategy. You always want to deliver a consistent look, messaging, and values. This creates a clear picture in the viewers’ minds of who you are as a business. Consistency in branding creates greater awareness, recognition, trust, and ultimately can have a positive impact on your bottom line

Thus, consistency in headshots is key to sending the message that you are one unified company. It conveys that leadership is together, aligned, and “on the same page” as the rest of the workforce. It also says that you care about your overall corporate image and brand. You are making it clear that quality is important, and you’re willing to invest time and expense to optimize it. 

Keep your team up to date with virtual team headshots

Many company websites look great at first glance. They’re polished, professionally created, with good money invested in their upkeep. Much of your website content lasts for a while. However, the “About Us” page can be made out of date with just one new hire.

Whether you’re expanding, your employees are changing roles/titles, or they’re moving on, teams are often in flux. These changes can make your “About Us” page look out of date or mismatched or both. Inconsistent is not the message you want to send to your visitors, who are often potential clients. Virtual team headshots make it easy to update your team page while maintaining the same quality and aesthetic. 


To optimize your business and online presence, photos of your employees are must-haves. But with employees working remotely and teams changing quickly, consistency can be a challenge. solves this issue with affordable, fast service. Get your team started on the path to increased success today with their virtual headshots service. 

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