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Professional Headshots for Team and Organizations

Is Your LinkedIn Headshot Helping or Hurting Your Career?

By July 6, 2021August 10th, 2023No Comments

Making your LinkedIn photo stand out is the best way to increase your brand visibility. But the best way to do that is with a professional headshot. Headshots can be used on business cards, company web pages, social media profiles, and article bios, giving you a cohesive online presence. It’s important to upload a high-quality, professional photo for your LinkedIn headshot because it can attract a lot of attention. You want to make sure that whatever attention you draw is the right kind. Giving your LinkedIn headshot the focus it deserves will help you when you are looking for a job, building your credibility, and more!

You need a professional headshot whether you want to reach your target audience directly, or if you aim to reach a broad audience. In fact, a professional headshot must consistently represent you whether you network online or offline. Making the right choice in a headshot is important! Heroic Headshots allow you to capture headshots directly from your smartphone, but with a professional touch.

The investment you make in your headshot shows you take pride in yourself. You demonstrate your attentiveness by showing you care. Your professional headshot should leave a lasting impression. Having a professional LinkedIn headshot is important, but you want to be sure it represents your character and that it is helping rather than hurting your career. Your headshot tells a story – of who you are, what your business does, etc. The good news is that when you use Heroic Headshots, you take control to ensure that your portrait tells the story you want it to.


Your career growth depends on building trust. Whether you are seeking a potential employer or a potential client, trust is important in every relationship. Because humans are hardwired for connection, we are inclined to share our reliance with others who we perceive to be trustworthy. 

Researchers found that the more trustworthy an individual looked, the more acceptance they received from their peers. People make snap judgments about you based on how you look to the world. Therefore, how you present yourself -even digitally-can seriously impact your employment prospects.

The right headshot can help build your personal brand when it is carefully planned to make you seem trustworthy. 

First impressions matter, so putting your best face forward through your headshot is always a smart idea. When someone looks up your business or profile on LinkedIn, it’s the first image they see. It can appear professional and trustworthy, or it can appear outdated and sloppy, depending upon your photo. Which version of yourself will you be presenting to the world?

There is one aspect of owning a business that should always be top of mind, no matter how experienced or inexperienced you are: building trust. To build trust and forge new business relationships, your headshot is an important step.


In 2021 it’s obvious that social media is a huge part of people’s lives. You must use social media for your business regardless of how you feel about it personally.

The image you project about your business and yourself can be reinforced with the use of great headshots across social media platforms. 

Social media works in the same way as a well-designed brand for identifying a business to customers. What would be the point of hiring a designer for your brand and logo, then filling your social media with old photos and selfies? It makes no sense to do that! Your headshot is very important for your brand to grow across social media channels.

Fortunately, your LinkedIn photo doesn’t need to look like something taken by a modeling agency. Except for actors or professionals where appearance is crucial to their role, you won’t need a professional photographer to take your headshot. 

With Heroic Headshots, you’re sure to get beautiful, high-quality shots using only your phone. To give it that polished quality, our world-class editors will retouch your photo, add in a background of your choosing, and help you curate exactly the brand image you seek. 


In the workplace and social settings, we all have different personas. A social media profile communicates your personality through your clothes and facial expression, as well as your headshot. A killer profile picture that works wonders on your Tinder profile can seriously hurt your LinkedIn prospects. 

Thus, it’s crucial to be able to separate these work versus play personas.

The combination of being both professional (implying competence) and friendly will lead to acceptance of the claims within your profile.

However, too casual or “too sexy” shots on your LinkedIn profile will make your judgment appear questionable.

Whether you try or not, your headshot tells a story about you. Take control of your story. Examine your photo to determine whether it is telling the story you want it to. The establishment of a credible professional image has become critically important. In this new era of digital technology, headshots are almost always the first visual impressions we make with potential employers and headhunters.

Recruiters who decide your fate will be swayed by the impression you make with your profile, which includes your headshot.

Your professional image and accessibility will also be a factor in whether you get an interview. You can safely assume that the people who see your profile will formulate an opinion about you based on your LinkedIn headshot before reviewing your writing and credentials.

How well you portray yourself in your headshot may very well determine whether you get the job you want – or if someone will swipe left or right! Just make sure you know which one is your goal, and choose your photo accordingly. 


A competitive job market requires you to stand out. You need to prove to your mentor, colleagues, and clients that you’re both professional and polished, regardless of how great your skills are. 

In any career field, your appearance can seem as important as your skills.

Making the right first impression can make a big difference in your positioning among competitors.

It’s why you need to know how a professional headshot can benefit your job search.

When your headshot speaks directly to your business and your brand, you will feel incredible. Choosing a headshot that reflects the information in your LinkedIn profile will help you stand out. By doing so, you can show your very best self. You can maximize the potential of your headshot with help from Heroic Headshots. 

And just as you must make sure that the information you list in your bio is credible, descriptive, and up to date, so should your photo be.

If you’ve changed your look recently, you want your headshot to reflect that.

If a recruiter sees one thing on your profile and invites you to interview only to find you look completely different, you’ll give off an air of deception. Not a good way to win the job of your dreams!

LinkedIn Headline

Your LinkedIn headshot and headline are the first things recruiters see when they conduct initial database searches. Your headshot is displayed along with a 120-character summary of your work. You can use the headline as your biography. 

Keep in mind that there are only 120 characters for you to describe who you are. Thus, your headline should include your Target Job Title from your primary resume along with two keywords that describe your goal and role most succinctly. After this, describe your main skills with ten words or less. And then supplement with any additional information you can by using your photo to tell a story of who you are. 


There is a lot to think about when optimizing your LinkedIn profile, so let’s review and put it all together. Is your business headshot representative of your brand? When someone looks at your image, they should be able to determine what it is you do or what you are like. 

Utilize the tips above to review the photos you’ve taken. Is it possible to find a shot that accurately represents your brand? After you narrow it down, our world-class editors will retouch it for a professional look.

Don’t forget your headshot is the gateway for your potential client or employer to get to know you better.

When you have a great headshot, you can inspire prospects to click on your website or to take the next step toward working with you. Your headshot is the first impression you make about your brand, therefore it is critical to your success.

With a headshot that matches your LinkedIn profile, your business and your individual status will gain tremendous advantages. When it comes to e-commerce and social networking, you want to make the best first impression. Standing out from the crowd may be as simple as taking a great headshot.

Having an awesome headshot that was created by the one who knows you best is the best way to create a great first impression. We will provide you with a polished, professional image that will help to boost your business. So sign up today and start planning that perfect headshot. 

And don’t forget to sign up today for our free PDF guide, 7 Qualities of a Winning Headshot: Get The Client or Job of Your Dreams. Get in touch with your ideal clients to see how you can show them that you would be the perfect hero for them.

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